Monday 18 February 2013

Representation of Age

Here are the two clips from TV SITCOMS that we will study to explore the way teenagers and old people are represented:

Here is a trailer for the BRITISH FILM,  Harry Brown:

We looked at the opening scene (first 10 minutes) to explore the way teens and old people are represented at the start of the film. After Harry's friend, Len  is assaulted by the local teenage gang and dies, Harry changes. We explored how his representation alters by looking at some key scenes - mainly the torture scene, where he tortures Marky, a gang member and then the scene in the subway, where he confronts Noel, the gang leader. Here is a link to a clip of the subway scene:

Here is a copy of the PowerPoint with still we have used to explore how these representations are built up:

Harry brown age from smcmediastudies

And, finally, here are copies of the MAGAZINE COVERS we have looked at to explore how teens and older people are represented:

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